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These are the docs for Cloud v2, which is a major rewrite of Cloud. Cloud v2 is currently only available as beta releases. You may find the legacy documentation here.

Cloud is a JVM framework for creating user commands. A command is a chain of parsed arguments and a handler that gets invoked with the parsed values. Cloud is not made to be used in any specific software, but it has modules with support for Minecraft (Bukkit/Paper, BungeeCord, Velocity, Fabric, CloudBurst, Sponge & NeoForge), Discord (Discord4J, JavaCord, JDA4, JDA5 & Kord), IRC (PIrcBotX) and Spring Shell.

Cloud allows you to write commands either using builders or annotated methods, and has special support for Kotlin. Cloud allows you to customize the command execution pipeline by injecting custom behavior along the entire execution path.

This document does not aim to cover every single detail of Cloud, but will instead introduce you to various different concepts and explain how they can be used in your software For technical details, we ask you to look at the JavaDoc.

We have a set of examples that introduce some useful Cloud concepts. They are written for the Bukkit Minecraft API but the examples are not specific to Minecraft: example-bukkit.


The documentation is split into different sections for the different Cloud modules. It is highly recommended that you get started with the cloud-core docs before you delve into the platform-specific docs. If you want to use annotated command methods, then you should start out with cloud-core and then move over to cloud-annotations.

Development Builds#

Development builds of Cloud are available on the Sonatype Snapshots Repository:

maven("") {
  name = "sonatype-snapshots"
  mavenContent {
maven {
  url ""
  name "sonatype-snapshots"
  mavenContent {